◆“Working of the patented invention for experimental or research purposes”
Judge Makiko TAKABE’s retirement commemorative theses “Chitekizaisanken-sosho no
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◆"The point of intellectual property right lawsuit (知的財産権訴訟要論)" (Patent), 7th Edit.
Minoru TAKEDA/Yuko MATSUTOYA, 2017 December, JIII
ISBN 978‐4‐8271‐1292‐4
◆"Medicine and Patent (医療と特許)" IIP Research Journal, Soeisha/Sanseido, 2017 April
The ways of Patent Protection of Medical Invention/Yuko MATSUTOYA
ISBN 978-4-88142-126-0
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Intellectual Property Management, Vol.83 No.6 (No.870), pp678-689, 2023 June
◆“Working of the patented invention for experimental or research purposes”
Judge Makiko TAKABE’s retirement commemorative theses “Chitekizaisanken-sosho no kirameki” (The Glimmer of Intellectual Property Litigation), 2021 December, pp54-74
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◆"IP Relay - Should genes be patentable subject matter? - Myriad v. AMP"
Pharm stage Vol.10 No.11, 2011 February, Yuko MATSUTOYA・Ryan B. Chirnomas)
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Journal of Intellectual Property Association of Japan, 6th Annual Meeting, 2008